For those who wish, Gianluca is part of our Team, a Agrotecnico boy with many years of experience in the following fields:

Technical Branch:
- Appraisals and estimates Damage techniques on herbaceous / arboreal crops
- Insurance Appraisals
- Sworn appraisals
- Land registry services and practices
- Design and construction of Green Areas Parks and gardens
- Pasture estimates and herbaceous analysis
- Fertilization plans and calendars of Phytiatric treatment in the field of viticulture, fruit and vegetables
- Periodic compilation of phytoiatric bulletins
- Compilation of exercise books and company files
Agricultural and forest consulting
- Financial Consulting
- Periodic consultations For PSR
- Consulting for BIO certification acquisition
- Consulting for creating protection consortia
- EIA and SEA

- Zootechnical consultancy Cerealicola and ortofrutticola
- Theoretical business planning
- Estimated calculation of expenditure
- Financial advice
Forest Consulting
- Phytostatic investigations using the VTA method
- Advisory practices and forest branch
- Regional communications
- Business forest plans

To request an appointment and / or a quote or even an inspection, write to:

Agrotecnico Peirano Gianluca: Tel 348-7373272

Nota: I campi con l'asterisco sono richiesti